11 June 2010

White Ink Tattoos

I was considering getting a white ink tattoo recently... After all, its a lot more subtle than traditional tattoos and it isn't quite as popular as traditonal tattoos...

however, I am major fan off tattoos and tattoo work so of course I did my research. With this trend growing steadily like it is, its important that you know of the possible complications with white ink tattoos, before you join the fad...

1. White Ink is a lot thicker than traditional tattoo ink, which means a bigger needle is required... that means its a lot more painful than a regular tattoo

2. They're best for fair skin... Dark skin doesn't absorb the white ink as well

3. You may have to get it redone 3 or 4 times for the ink to really settle in your skin...

4. There may be redness, puffiness or even puss oozing from the site of the tattoo due to the fact that it is easier for the body to reject the white ink

5. Over time they tend to turn yellow and fade in  color...

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